Please provide a brief description of the intervention (with name, if possible).
SNHD is funded through CDC STD prevention dollars to conduct Syphilis testing. Additionally SNHD conducts syphilis surveillance, investigation, and partner services as directed by NRS and NAC 441.A
Who was/is involved in implementing the intervention (e.g., staff titles, partner organizations, etc.)?
OEDS program manager, Marlo Tonge, Communicable Disease Supervisors Victoria Burris and Elizabeth Adelman.
What were/are the primary objectives/goals of this intervention?
SNHD, through surveillance and active investigation, identify cases of Syphilis to refer for tx, provide education, risk reduction, and partner services. We focus on identifying pregnancy status for all females who are positive for syphilis, and those who are contacts. Additionally, we identified opportunity to create and implement an academic detailing campaign. In collaboration with the state, we identified services gaps that helped drive our AD efforts with social service organizations such as WIC, SAPTA, and the Department of Welfare. We learned that several mothers of CS cases accessed social services at some point in their pregnancy who had not yet accesses prenatal care. The goal of AD was to educate social service providers on the rising CS cases in our communities and how to navigate to care services and testing.
If other, please describe.
collaboration with the state
What else would you recommend or advise to other counties considering this intervention/activity?
With case follow up and partners services, in person-interaction yields the best outcomes for our staff. This includes notifying contacts. In person helps to create a sense of urgency, and clients tend to follow through with their appointments more frequently.
For data not available for calendar year 2019, what period is data available?
If this is not applicable to your health department, type NA.
If other, please describe.
funding sufficient to test some, but not all
What else would you recommend or advise to other counties considering syphilis testing of individuals with childbearing capacity in jails?
It is helpful to have a strong relationship with the correctional facilities. As they start working with their medical provider regarding contract negotiations, testing could be suggested by the county/HD and added as part of the bid. It is also helpful to secure a plan for testing in the facility. Logistical details help to drive a successful testing program.